Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
12.03.2024 | Kerstin Forsberg | Crystallization of battery precursors | KTH | Video / PPtx |
12.03.2024 | Birgit Mets | Estonian phosphate project | Geological Survey of Estonia | Video / PPtx |
12.03.2024 | Bengi Yagmurlu | EURO-TITAN: Decarbonized Titanium production from mining and production residues | TU Clausthal | Video / PPtx |
12.03.2024 | Luka Nils Mettke | High purity cobalt and nickel refining from end of life batteries | TU Clausthal | Video / PPtx |
12.03.2024 | Ragnhild Elise Dirdal | Use of waste material to make alkali-activated cement | Saferock | Video / PPtx |
12.03.2024 | Liyuan Deng | Nanostructured hybrid materials for stable Lithium-sulfur batteries | NTNU | None |
12.03.2024 | Siri Marie Skaftun | LEAn – Low Energy Anodes for Sustainable Elctrowinning | NTNU/SINTEF | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Samaneh Etemadi | Lithium recycling from LFP-batteries | Lithium367 | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Usman Saleem | Recovery of Lithium From Oxalic Acid Leachate Produced from Black Mass | NTNU | None |
13.03.2024 | Nicolas Stankovic | Selective leaching of rare-earth elements from hydrogen decrepitated magnets | U Lorraine, Nancy | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Børre Børresen | Direct Lithium extraction from Brines | Equinor | None |
13.03.2024 | Duygu Yilmas | Hydrometallurgy Advancements: Toward Green, Sustainable Resource Recovery, Zero Waste, and Environmental Harmony | IFE | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Lisbeth M. Ottosen | Recycling of metals from fly ash | DTU | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | PRICE - An educational project | UiO | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Thore Sørensen | Seabed Massive Sulfides | Resitec | Video / PPtx |
13.03.2024 | Tina Kutti | Environmental dangers | Havforskningsinstituttet | Video / PPtx |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
07.03.2023 | Damien Bourgeois | Pd & Au recycling | CEA/Uni. Montpellier | |
07.03.2023 | Kurt Forrester | Ligand Assisted Displacement chromatography | Medallion Resources | |
07.03.2023 | Andriy Yaroshchuk | Electrically-driven counter-gradient ion accumulation | Polytech. Univ. Catalonia | |
07.03.2023 | Bengi Yagmurlu | Separation of Scandium and Thorium | TU Claustal | |
07.03.2023 | Fredrik Rodahl | Feedstock to concentrate - REE production from the nitrophosphate process | Yara | |
07.03.2023 | Christian Ekberg | Generation IV nuclear reactors | Chalmers | |
07.03.2023 | Liv Stavsetra | Melted Salt Reactor & thorium | IFE | None |
08.03.2023 | Wojtek Gebarowski | Recovery of Cobalt from spent Li ion batteries | SINTEF | |
08.03.2023 | Christin Stallmeister | Influence of Thermal Treatment on Water-Leaching Behavior of Lithium-Ion Battery Black Mass | RWTH Aachen | |
08.03.2023 | Bhaskar Joshi | Selective lithium recovery from spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) by Alkaline leaching | NTNU | |
08.03.2023 | Samaneh Etemadi | Recovering of Re from Mo roasting-dust by solvent extraction | Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning | |
08.03.2023 | Rita Øyen | Extraction of metals from disposed mining sludge in Folldal | NTNU | None |
08.03.2023 | Sulalit Bandyopadhyay | Plans for a new FME within Battery Research | SINTEF | |
08.03.2023 | Jafar Safarian | Acid leaching of industrial manganese sludge for metal recovery | NTNU | None |
08.03.2023 | Ole Morten Dotterud | Acid leaching of industrial manganese sludge for metal recovery | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
08.03.2023 | Thore Sørensen | Minerals and industrial side streams in the green shift | ReSiTec | None |
08.03.2023 | Halfdan Solberg | Manageable today and tomorrow? | Solberg Industri | |
08.03.2023 | Kjetil Børve | Green Zinc Odda 4.0 – Status report half away down the execution road | Boliden Odda | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
15.03.2022 | Michael Evans | Norwegian ultramafic minerals as a resource of international importance | Cambridge Carbon Co. | |
15.03.2022 | Sakalima Sikaneta | Høgtuva - Europe's Be-deposit | Metamorphic AS | |
15.03.2022 | Asuncion Aranda | AlSiCal-project | IFE | |
15.03.2022 | Trond Watne | The Fen Carbonatite Complex – Basis for a Norwegian value chain for permanent magnets | Norsk Mineral | |
15.03.2022 | Jon Petter Omtvedt | Th as nuclear fuel | UiO | |
15.03.2022 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | Processing a Th-containing ore | UiO/Primus.Inter.Pares AS | |
16.03.2022 | Øystein Ruud/Terje Olavesen | Circular economy in TiO2 pigment production | Kronos Titan | None |
16.03.2022 | Simen Bergan | Recovery of salts from fly ash processing | NOAH | None |
16.03.2022 | Martina Petranikova | Battery recycling research and achievements at Chalmers University of Technology | Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg | None |
16.03.2022 | Sulalit Bandyopadhyay | LIBres-project | NTNU | None |
16.03.2022 | Sachin Maruti Chavan | MOFs as absorbents | UiStavanger | None |
16.03.2022 | Kerstin Forsberg | Antisolvent Crystallization in Hydrometallurgy | KTH | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
20.03.2021 | Lars Petter Maltby/ Nina Dahl | Process 21 - A Norwegian Green Shift Program Green Industry | Process 21/Eyde-Network Boldt | None |
20.03.2021 | Kristin Karlstad | Green Industry | Boldt | None |
20.03.2021 | Christian Rosenkilde | Production of batteries in Norway | Norsk Hydro | None |
21.03.2021 | Julien Leclaire | Integrated CO2 capture and metal recycling: Toward molecular, environemental and economic synergy. | Université de Lyo | None |
21.03.2021 | Ari Väisänen | Recovery of Critical Raw Materials using 3D printed scavengers | WeeeFINer Oy & Univ. Jyväskylä | None |
20.03.2021 | Eirik Nøst Nedkvitne | Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash – combining hazardous waste management and material recovery | UiO, PRICE project | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
21.03.2019 | Jon Petter Omtvedt | Presentation of the Norwegian Network for Hydrometallurgy | UiO | |
21.03.2019 | Nina Dahl | HyProS - A new Gemini-center for Hydrometallurgy | SINTEF | |
21.03.2019 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | PRICE - A new competence building project for Norwegian process industry | UiO | None |
21.03.2019 | Rolf Olaf Larsen | Scale-up and Industrialisation of promising R&D results | Herøya Industry Park | None |
21.03.2019 | Henrik Schiellerup | Unexploited mineral resources in Norway | Geological Survey of Norway - NGU | None |
21.03.2019 | Nguyen Hong Vu | Methods for lithium extraction from zinnwaldite concentrate in the Czech Republic | University of Chemistry and Technology Prague | None |
21.03.2019 | Ivar S. Fossum | Nordic Mining - Minerals for a sustainable future | Nordic Mining | None |
21.03.2019 | Hans V. Lerum | Determination of D-ratios using one versus two phase measurements | UiO | None |
21.03.2019 | Ina Beate Jenssen | Removal of impurities from industrial hydrometallurgical processes by precipitation. | NTNU | None |
21.03.2019 | Bjarte Øye | Precipitation species in the neutral leaching stage of Zinc smelting | SINTEF | None |
22.03.2019 | Odne Bjurheim | Electrodialysis as a selective separation tool | NTNU | None |
22.03.2019 | Damien Bourgois | Molecular and supramolecular features of solvent extraction: From fundamental studies to palladium recovery from waste | Marcoule Institute for Separative Chemistry | None |
22.03.2019 | Kerstin Forsberg | Precipitation of REE in hydrometallurgical processing | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | None |
22.03.2019 | Ana Maria Martinez | REE4EU-Europe's closed-loop permanent magnet recycling at pilot scale | SINTEF | None |
22.03.2019 | Zeljka Lovre | Extraction of zinc from Ni-Co-industrial solution | UiO | None |
22.03.2019 | Carole Allen | Rheology of nitrophosphate (NP) liquor | Yara | None |
22.03.2019 | Henning Holmström | Mining, sustainability and the society – The paradox seen from a Nordic Perspective | Golder Associates | None |
22.03.2019 | Mohan Menon | EU H2020 project: Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements (SecREEts) | Yara | None |
22.03.2019 | Fabian I Azof | ENSUREAL - An EU project for production of alumina | NTNU | None |
22.03.2019 | Niels Højmark Andersen | Raman Spectroscopy: A Useful Method for Speciation Studies in Liquid-Liquid Extraction | UiO | None |
22.03.2019 | Kyrre Sundset | The advantage of value chain assessments in process industry | SINTEF | None |
22.03.2019 | Jens Skei | Sea disposal of mine tailings - an alternative to land disposal | Skei Mining Consultant | None |
22.03.2019 | Rolf Vogt | Aqueous, organic or particle bound Heavy metals - Biogeochemical effect on mobility, transport, fate and effect | UiO | None |
22.03.2019 | Elke Thisted | pH i concentrated electrolytes – going from theory to practical measurements in the process industry | Glencore Nikkelverk | None |
22.03.2019 | Sulalit Bandyopadhyay | Lithium ion battery Recycling in Norway | SINTEF | None |
22.03.2019 | Egil Skybakmoen | Recovery of critical raw materials from secondary resources. Examples from H2020 projects at SINTEF. | SINTEF | None |
22.03.2019 | Torbjørn Pettersen | Recovery of Valuable Metals from Industrial waste streams - Case: Mn from FeMn filter dust | SINTEF | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
06.03.2018 | Hans V. Lerum | Speciation in industrial solutions | UiO | |
06.03.2018 | Ina Beate Jenssen | The iron problem | NTNU | |
06.03.2018 | Svetlana Sand | Removal of Cd from nitrophosphate solutions | UiO | |
06.03.2018 | Ole Wærnes | The future of hydrometallurgy in Norway | SINTEF Industry | |
06.03.2018 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | Scarcity of resources in Europe. Can Norway help? | UiO | |
06.03.2018 | Alain Rollat | LYNAS: A sustainable non Chinese Rare Earths supplier | AR Consulting | |
07.03.2018 | Christian Rosenkilde | From bauxite to Al-metal. Environmental issues. | Norsk Hydro | |
07.03.2018 | Justin Salminen | Circularity in the zinc processing | Boliden | |
07.03.2018 | Nils Henrik Eldrup | Estimating investment cost of a new plant | Univ. College SE-Norway | |
07.03.2018 | Jafar Safarian | Hydrometallurgical processes at NTNU for sustainable production of feedstock for aluminum and solar industries | NTNU | |
07.03.2018 | Jan John | Kinetic effect in separation of metal ions with very similar properties and its modelling | Praha Techn. Univ. | |
07.03.2018 | Martina Petranikova | Recovery of REE from mine tailings. EnviREE project | Chalmers UT | |
07.03.2018 | Yonxiang Yang | Hydrometallurgical recovery of REEs and valuable metals from e-waste | TU Delft/NTNU | |
07.03.2018 | Per Bakke | Norsep - extraction of metal products from MSWI fly ash | OiW | |
07.03.2018 | Ole Dotterud | Application of Solvent Extraction Technology in the Nickel Industry | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
07.03.2018 | Torkild Eivindson | Process measurements on-line | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
07.03.2018 | Tor Bjørnstad | On-line analyses using neutrons | IFE/UiO | |
07.03.2018 | Niels Højmark Andersen | Applications of Vibrational spectroscopy for Solvent Extraction | UiO | |
07.03.2018 | Hans V. Lerum | Off-line ICP-MS analyses and industrial solutions | UiO | |
07.03.2018 | Tiina Kumulainen | Online analyzer enabling automatic control of an copper solvent extraction plant | OsloMet | |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
07.03.2017 | Jens Fredriksen | Olivine as source for Mg | PFU-APS | |
07.03.2017 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | Norwegian anorthosite as possible source for Al | UiO | |
07.03.2017 | Ole Morten Dotterud | The Nickel Laterite Industri With A Focus On Hydrometallurgy | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
07.03.2017 | Anne Gry Messenlien | Refining of silicon | Elkem | None |
07.03.2017 | Alessio Vascon | Separation of Cd from mixed nitric-phosphoric acid environment | UiO | None |
07.03.2017 | Hans V. Lerum | Speciation of Cd in hydrochloric acid environment | UiO | |
07.03.2017 | Ina Beate Jenssen | Precipitation of ferric salts in sulphuric acid environment | NTNU | |
07.03.2017 | Alain Rollat | Separation of rare earth elements | AR Consulting | |
07.03.2017 | Tom Vander Hoogestraet | Separation of REE with Ionic liquids | KU-Leuven | |
07.03.2017 | Isabelle Billard | Separation using Ionic Liquids | LEPMI | |
07.03.2017 | Ole Swang | Towards first-principles computation of aqueous thermodynamics of metal ions | SINTEF/UiO | none |
07.03.2017 | Frederic Goettmann | Hydrometallurgy in France (EHI and PROMETHEE) | Extracthive | |
07.03.2017 | Fero Kukurugya | Leaching of metals from secondary lead smelter matte | VITO | |
08.03.2017 | Gouzhu Ye | Extraction of zinc from secondary sources - pilot experiences from Swerea MEFOS | SWEREA MEFOS | |
08.03.2017 | Bjarte Øye | Use of Norwegian Wood Ashes as secondary raw materials. The FME-CEnBio project | SINTEF | None |
08.03.2017 | Britt-Marie Steenari | Urban mining – can ashes from combustion of household waste become a source of valuable metals? | Chalmers | None |
08.03.2017 | Martin Breinholt Jensen | Treatment and recovery of hazardous inorganic waste- an industrial perspective | NOAH | None |
08.03.2017 | Margaretha Wahlström | Treatment of mine water for discharge or recycling | VTT | None |
08.03.2017 | Håkon Austrheim | Minerals as absorbents for effluents containing toxic metals | UiO | None |
08.03.2017 | Baard Bergfald | Short brief on REE processing in Norway | Bergfald Miljørådgivere | None |
08.03.2017 | Liv Stavsetra | Presentation of IFE | IFE | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
08.03.2017 | Thore Jarle Sørenssen | Hydrometallurgical case studies | Teknova | |
08.03.2017 | Karin Löfstrand | Using LM-MEUF as a tool for REE extraction and separation | Chromafora | |
08.03.2017 | Rolf Andreas Lauten | Pionera Technology Presentation | Pionera, Borregård | |
08.03.2017 | Steinar Slagnes | Olivine for heavy metal removal | Sibelco | |
08.03.2017 | Kurt Aasly | The Blue Nodules and other deep water projects | NTNU | |
08.03.2017 | Christian Ekberg | Recycling NiMH-Batteries | CTU | |
08.03.2017 | Antti Häkkinen | Solid-Liquid separation activities at Lappeenranta University of Technology | LUT | |
09.03.2017 | Thore Jarle Sørenssen | Process Intensification | Teknova | None |
09.03.2017 | Alastair Magnaldo | Beneficiation and Leaching | CEA, ENVIREE | |
09.03.2017 | Christian Ekberg | Thermodynamics of solutions | CTU | |
10.03.2017 | Jens-Petter Andreassen | Chrystallization and Precipitation | NTNU | None |
10.03.2017 | Antti Häkkinen | Solid/Liquid separation | LUT | None |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
21.11.2016 | Ole Morten Dotterud | Presentation of Glencore Nikkelverk, Including use of Nickel | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
21.11.2016 | Isabelle Billard | Introduction to ionic liquids | LEPMI | |
21.11.2016 | Oluf Bøckman | Leaching and Filtration | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
21.11.2016 | Ole Morten Dotterud | Developing a Hydrometallurgical flowsheet | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
22.11.2016 | Ole Morten Dotterud | Solvent Extraction in Hydrometallurgy | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
22.11.2016 | Isabelle Billard | Using Ionic Liquids in Hydrometallurgy | LEPMI | |
22.11.2016 | Torkild Eivindson | Analytical Chemistry in a HM Factory | Glencore Nikkelverk | |
23.11.2016 | Maria Førde Møll | Presentation of Boliden Odda, including use of Zink | Boliden Odda | None |
23.11.2016 | Agnar Målsnes | HM Environmental Concerns and Legislation | Boliden Odda | None |
23.11.2016 | Hans V. Lerum | A student's perspective on Chemical Activity in HM | UiO | |
23.11.2016 | Dag Øistein Eriksen | Eh-pH diagrams and their application in HM | UiO | |
Year | Name | Lecture | Uni / Co | Link: Vid / PDF |
22.03.2015 | Stafan Allard | Hydrometallurgy at CTH | CTH | |
22.03.2015 | Dag Øystein Eriksen | Hydrometallurgy at UiO | UiO | |
22.03.2015 | Tom Rames Jørgensen | Presentation of Yara | Yara | |
22.03.2015 | Maria Førde Møll | Presentation of Boliden Odda | Boliden Odda | |
22.03.2015 | Jon Petter Omtvedt | Hydrometallurgy at NTNU | NTNU | |